We often get asked the question as to whether you can change the Route or Track transparency, thickness or colour in a Garmin GPS unit. The answer is unfortunately not. 

The only changes that you can effect are in Basecamp.


Route and Track thickness >Launch Basecamp >Edit>Options>Display>Line thickness 

Colour - double click on the Active route/track that you have created and a new window appears. In the top right corner there is a drop down box for the colour change


Route and Track thickness>Launch Basecamp >Basecamp on the menu bar >Preferences >there is a 'tab' called 'Display' next to 'General' and within that at the bottom you can change the thickness of the route or track line

Colour - double click on the route/track that you have created, a new window appears and in the 'i' tab, bottom left there is a drop down list where you can change the colour of the route or track

GPS unit

Routes - regardless of what colour you have assigned to a route in Basecamp (Mac or Windows), you cannot alter the colour, transparency or thickness of the route line on your Garmin GPS when you transfer it

Tracks - if you have changed the colour of the track line in Basecamp (Mac or Windows), that colour goes as the colour to the Garmin GPS when you transfer it