Shepherds Walks and GPS Training
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Knowledge base
GPS Training - General - publicly available
FAQ - Garmin GPS units
Trial mapping - message on screen
Position format - going overseas or in UK
Add a start up message to your GPS
What are the options to get Ordance Survey 1:25k maps on my Garmin GPS?
Locking the screen on your Garmin touch screen GPS
View all 292
GPS Training options
What GPS courses do we have available?
Online resource - GPS Trainings online training course
Forgot username and password - GPT Training online resource
How do I sign up to the GPS Training online resource?
What is the GPS Training online resource?
Change password - GPS Training online resource
FAQ - SatMap GPS units
How can I plan routes on my PC/Mac for my SatMap
Xpedition Planning Software - Recommended Browser
Map page not moving as you walk
Map page cluttered with old routes
Satsync Software will not update to the latest version
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FAQ - MemoryMap GPS units
Track Log not recording in your TX3 / TX4
Garmin BaseCamp - route planning software for Garmin
What options are available to help me get to grips with Garmin BaseCamp?
Anomalies with GPX Information - trip computer compared to recorded track in BaseCamp?
Garmin TOPO Active v Ordnance Survey Mapping
Selecting different Map Sets when planning Routes on the Garmin GB Discoverer 1:25k or Topo Great Britain Pro 1:25k Maps
Garmin BaseCamp – Windows Users - Video tutorial - Opening up BaseCamp Software on your Windows Computer
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Satmap Xpedition - route planning software for Satmap users
Satmap Active 20 - Accessing & Registering for Xpedition 2
Satmap Active 20 - Setting up your Preferences
Overview of the Side Panel Tools on the Planner menu in Xpedition2
Xpedition 2 Map Page Overview
Satmap - Can I plan routes on my PC?
View all 10
Garmin inReach
Garmin inReach - What is a Preset Message?
Garmin inReach - How many Preset Messages can I have?
Garmin inReach - What contact options can I send a Preset Message to? Can I send Social messages using the Preset Messages?
I edited my Preset Messages on my online account. Why do my edited preset messages not appear on my inReach SE or inReach Explorer?
Do replies to my Preset Messages count against my monthly message allotment?
View all 27
Open Street mapping
Key/ Legend for OSM
FAQ - Garmin GPS Watches
Garmin Instinct - Auto Scroll
Export .gpx from Garmin GPS watch
Zoleo Two Way Satellite Communicator
How to I activate my Zoleo ZL1000 Two Way Satellite Communicator
How do I suspend my Zoleo monthly plan using a Mobile Phone or Tablet?
How do I restart my Zoleo plan?
Why am I getting an "Invalid phone number format" error on sign up for my Zoleo Device?
How do I change the name and phone number for my ZOLEO app?
View all 18
Motorola Defy - Satellite Link
Motorola Defy - satellite link - won't send message
Motorola Defy - satellite link - issues when first messaging someone
Bullitt/ Motorola Defy Satellite link - how to renew subscription
GPS Training - Internal answers - viewed by staff only
Webinars using TeamViewer Software
Using TalkTalk ISP with TeamViewer
Online Review - May 2017
Basecamp Issues
Enquiry - unable to find customer who needs support