Setting up the Postion Format Setting in your Garmin Handheld GPS Device

Your GPS settings should match the Grid & Datum of the map you are using – details of which should be on the map itself, it is very possible that local maps might be using different systems. In Great Briatin we set up the Postion Format setting to British National Grid to match our Ordnance Survey Maps.

You should take into consideration that many countries have/use several Grids & Map Datum’s.

Details of Map Datum being used by the mapmaker should be on the map itself, it doesn’t follow that these are being used by your mapmaker or are the settings for use in your GPS. The settings we suggest are the commonly used settings for that country.

Many countries use the UTM system (Universal Transverse Mercator) which is a worldwide standard for geo-referencing. The grid uses one kilometre steps with the earth being divided into 60 zones the first one around the Bearing Straits; even countries used to statute system (miles/feet) use it. The UPS system is the UTM equivalent near the poles.

To change the Postion Format setting on a new generation handheld GPS Device you goto your Setup Menu - Select Postion Format

The pdf link below has some commonly used Grid Refernece settings, but please always check which grid system your paper map or guide books are using.

Commonly used Grid System PDF

The PDF below list the Position Format Grid system settings currently availbale in the newer generation Garmin Handheld GPS devices, this list could change in the future from garmin Software updates.

Garmin Postions Formats Supported - PDF

We hope this helps.

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