1. Download SatSYNC Software for Windows
SatSYNC is a desktop application which allows you to transfer routes, objects of interest (OOIs) and customised POI icons between the Active 10/12 and your computer. You can also use SatSYNC to upgrade your Active 10/12 Software.
Download Instructions for SatSYNC for Windows
1. Go to https://satmap.com/windows-satsync-install click on the “Download" tab at the bottom of the page
2. When prompted with the "File Download - Security Warning" select "Save" and choose a memorable location on your computer to save the file (e.g. My Documents, Desktop).
3. Once the download is complete double-click on the file to begin the installation.
4. Select 'Run' to proceed with the installation.
5. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
6. You may be directed to the Microsoft website to download and install version 3.5, service pack 1 of the .NET framework before proceeding with the installation of SatSYNC.
2. Starting SatSYNC
You can start SatSYNC before or after connecting the Active 10/12 to your computer, but the following notes account for the former scenario.
To start SatSYNC, double-click on the SatSYNC desktop shortcut or:
1. Click on Start
2. Click on All Programs
3. Click on Satmap Systems Ltd
4. Click on SatSYNC
3. Connecting your GPS to your Computer
Please ensure that your Active 10/12 unit contains a set of good batteries. If it does not, the unit will not power up correctly. The power from the USB connection is able to support the batteries in running the unit, but is not sufficient to run the unit by itself.
With SatSYNC Software running, turn your device on and wait for it to power up, plug your Active 10/12 GPS Device into your computer with the USB cable and the SatSYNC screen will displays the contents of your GPS Device as shown below.
*If your GPS Device memory does not display as shown above please disconnect and re-connect it to a different USB port on your computer.
N.B. It can take approximately 30 – 60 seconds for your device to appear.
4. Active 10/12 Settings - Update your unit software
As we've already hinted its worth checking to see if there are any software updates available for your Active 10/12; Satmap are very good at offering updates and there have been several in the last two years so we recommend checking for updates every six months. Updating your unit is straight forward if you follow these steps
To find out which Active 10/12 software version you are using go to Settings > about > Enter
In your Active 10/12 > go to Settings > About > will display the software version you are using should be something like Version 3.0.9915 (platform 33.1)
1. go to www.satmap.com > look for the Support tab– Software updates - or use this link
2. you can view the Version History before deciding to update - lists all changes being offered with the update
3. To update the Software in your GPS device you need to use SatMaps SatSync Software
Active 12 – Software Version 3.0.9915 (Platform 33.1)
Active 10 – Software Version 1.500 Build Version 9369
If SatSync is unable to update the software, the platform installed on the device may out of date, and you may be required to purchase a Platform upgrade card. For more information of the Platform upgrade card from SatMap, please click on the links below:-
Active 10 Platform Upgrade Card
Active 12 Platform Upgrade Card
5. Using SatSYNC to check for & update the software in your Active 10/12.
In order to get the most out of your Satmap GPS device, it is important you keep your software up to date on both the GPS unit and the supporting applications. As new features are developed and upgrades become available, Satmap will release these to all its customers. These upgrades will be available as downloads from the website or can be accessed via SatSYNC.
With SatSYNC Software running plug your Active 10/12 GPS Device into your computer and once your device powers up the SatSYNC screen will displays the contents of your GPS Device.
(Please remove any map SD cards from your device before checking for updates)
Select Help – Check for Available Active GPS Device Software.
I f there are any software updates available, select - ‘Install This Version’ and follow the on screen instructions or select – ‘Remind Me Later’ if you do not want to
perform an update.